Resultants Of Ice Dams And Ways Of Preventing Them

By Ines Flores

There are a lot of effects that come with winter, both favorable and unfavorable. The unfavorable however are more than the favorable. Among others, the unfavorable include the formation of ice dams which comes after tremendous snow. These dams are formations and accumulations of snow on the roofs, which prevents the water melting from a roof from draining. The undrained water has effects which include house leakages that cause damages on the roof, the destruction of the walls among others. With the reference of the city of Wauwatosa, WI, we will study the causes of the dams and how they can be prevented.

They are caused by a combination of different events. There is an interaction among house heat loss, atmospheric temperatures and snow covers that causes this situation. Ice dam cannot form if there is no snow covering a roof, and simultaneously, with the upper portion of outside surface of a roof having a higher temperature and the lower part having a lesser temperature.

These temperatures ought be consistent over a long time period. The size of dam is increased by the melting water. Dam size however will be limited by the temperature which is less. The water that has already accumulated finds their way through the cracks which are found on outer roof parts, flowing all through to the attic space. Water will then move to the ceiling and thus staining the finishing the ceiling. Again, snow, , , is the major contributor to such a dam. This happens because snow is an insulator.

For an ice dam to form there must be a difference in temperatures. Being mainly found on the edges of roofs, the dams are always associated with some high heats on one point. This source of heat comes from the hose below, either through the chimney or other sources. It is important t note that solar heat alone cannot cause this temperature difference.

Heat is majorly transferred through: convection- this is the transfer of heat through solid substance, radiation- the transfer of heat through electromagnetic waves and convection- heat transfer through air. We can view these transfers when the heat is transferred through the ceiling or when an individual puts an arm on a hot pan.

Another source of heat may be the exhausts systems especially the ones found bathroom. These systems terminate roof above thus causing the heat to leak. Chimneys also contribute to this heat, especially when you continuously use the wood stoves.

The dams can be prevented by taking some precautions. The first precaution is to prevent the heat coming from the house. Before this however, it is wiser to start by removing all the snow resting on roof. This is because the problem actually starts from a roof. For the emergency situations, make some channels that will be able to drain the water way from the roof.

If the situation is urgent, make some channels to drain the roof off. For long term purposes, make the ceiling air tight. Also, you can increase roof insulation. Do this especially when you identify air leakages. It is vital to consider putting ventilation. This will prevent heat from finding its way to the ceiling.

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