Procedures To Follow When Undertaking Chemical Soil Stabilization

By Janine Hughes

In the agricultural sector as well as the construction industry, poor soils have to be treated so that the normal operations can be undertaken. This may be when the ground contains harmful chemicals that are actively causing reactions. This can be done using the reaction retarders and the alkalis. Therefore, when undertaking chemical soil stabilization, follow the steps discussed below.

Prior to when you begin the process, establish the main cause of the instability. Also, assess the kind of application you wish to have. You will find that, some of those chemicals present will not affect the metabolism of plants in any way. On the same point, some will interfere with the strength development in foundations.

Immediately you have known the cause, the next step you ought to take is to find the best solution. If you found out that there are a large percentage of acids, you ought to apply bases and alkalis that will neutralize them. In case the percentage of alkalis exceed that of acids, consider applying acids to neutralize the action of alkalis. Reaction retarders can also be applied to halt the reaction just for a short time.

After the process is completed, you are yet to be assured of the designed results. Minor reactions may be taking place at the background. Suitably, collect a few samples that should be tested to figure out the extent of the treatment. Using this procedure will help you to determine the chemicals that still may be active. If you find any, consider repeating the treatment.

If the experiment has it that, the instability is at a manageable level, the next thing you do is to minimize the instance of this condition happening in days to come. Probably, the presence of such chemicals may be as a result of excessive use of farm chemicals or, perhaps the disposal of industrial waste. Therefore, launch a suitable program to eliminate such instances.

You could then begin the project you had planned. If you are to set up a concrete building, ensure you apply additives and cements that will not cause reactions. In an event, you choose to carry out agricultural activities, ensure you minimize the use of hazardous farm chemicals that may trigger the instability. Choose to have the biological pest control methods.

However, you may have to wait for some time before you can handle the soil. This is meant to give it time to form the appropriate structure and possibly, the normal biological processes to begin. This period will differ based on the extent to which you applied the treatment. Also, the activities that you will carry out may interfere with the process of neutralization and reaction retardation.

You cannot simply guest the time limit set before you can begin the activities. As a result, you should study the user manual supplied together with the agents. Also, consider consulting with a professional who will guide you throughout the entire process. Otherwise, you may be compelled to undertake it once again.

As in the information given above, you realize that the condition of soil being unstable can be fixed by the use of appropriate agents. Nevertheless it is judicious if you established the root cause of this condition just before you begun the entire process.

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