Professional Honey Bee Wasp Removal Ann Arbor

By Joseph Foster

No one likes to have their home invaded by pests, and people go to great lengths to keep things like mice, ants, squirrels, bats, and roaches out. However, stinging insects (which can cause life-threatening allergic reactions) may be outside DIY parameters. Honey bee wasp removal Ann Arbor Michigan might be best handled by a professional who has specialized training and the equipment to do the job safely and completely.

Bees are declining in alarming numbers all around the world. If possible, find a beekeeper who might be able to rescue your bees. You can call your local extension agent or 4-H organization to find out about beekeepers in the Ann Arbor Michigan area. This could solve your problem - maybe even for free - and save a hive at the same time.

Sometimes, however, the bees will be in a place where they are hard to get at, like under the siding on your house. You want to be sure that the removal is done in a way that won't damage your home. You might not even know where the bees are, just that there are too many of them in your environment. Calling in a reliable pest exterminator in Ann Arbor MI may be your best and safest resource.

Wasps are less desirable and may be easier to deal with. Mud Daubers build their nests out in the open. They will usually be high up under the eaves or the porch roof, though, so getting professional help is safer than climbing up a high ladder. Falling off a ladder is a common serious or even fatal accident among homeowners. Wasps also get mighty aggressive if you knock their nest down, and there is real danger of being stung.

Wasps sting, but they are not as scary as the hornets that might be living under the ground right near your house. Sometimes you'll see these aggressive ground bees, but often the first indication of them will be when you accidentally step on their doorway or run them over with the lawn mower. They often attack in a horde, enough to cause multiple stings before you can get away. Pets and small children are especially vulnerable.

Professionals have the know-how and the equipment to get rid of all sorts of pests safely and completely. They may even do a follow-up visit to make sure the problem is completely taken care of. This means that you won't have to expose yourself to the danger of a sting while checking to see if the coast is clear.

There will be many listings for pest control companies in the Ann Arbor MI area. Check online or in the business listings in the phone book. You may see companies that advertise specialized service for getting rid of stinging insects. If you call for an appointment, you can describe your situation and ask any questions you may have.

The problem may be small, as when a wild swarm of bees builds a nest on the branch of a tree in your yard. Frequently insects get entrenched in less suitable places before you know you have a problem. The right professional will be able to get rid of them and advise you on how to prevent an infestation from happening again. It's nice to know that you can keep your home and garden safe for people and get rid of these dangerous invaders.

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